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The Earthquake-Induced landscape dynamics (EILD) research programme was funded at $8.19 M for five years from 2018 to 2023 from the Endeavour Fund administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE).
The fundamental research premise is:

“Over what time scales do landscapes heal after major earthquakes?”

With an outcome of:

“Earthquake and post-earthquake landslide risk in New Zealand is effectively managed using an integrated set of predictive tools within a decision-making framework.”
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GNS Science was the contracted research organization under contract C05X1709. 
Click to download the research proposal

Other landslide research funding

Strategic Science Investment fund

The Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) investment in research and scientific infrastructure funds the Geological processes and hazards platform ($11.3 M / year) implemented by GNS Science, aimed at reducing risks and strengthening resilience to geological hazards. This includes funding of $0.8 M for research into understanding landslides 
GeoNet provides the National Geohazards Monitoring Centre (NGMC) for NZ. It facilitates landslide event response and the maintenance of a landslide catalogue.
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