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Theme 7: Tools for managing landslide hazard and risk

Develop tools that will quantifying the risk these processes pose to New Zealand.


Risk management framework
Risks to people and infrastructure
Framework for online tools
Effective stakeholder engagement with geotechnical practitioners, designers, planners and policy makers for the development of tools
An integrated set of predictive tools within a decision making framework.
Theme leader:
Phil Glassey, GNS Science

Landslides triggered by an earthquake require significant ground shaking (>0.2 PGA) triggered by larger earthquakes of magnitude (M) >5.0. The 2016 Kaikoura M7.8 earthquake, generated over 30,000 landslides causing significant damage to transport infrastructure, creating hazardous landslide dams, and depositing sediment into catchments that will impact rivers and infrastructure for decades to come.

Hazards posed by such events can be managed to a certain extent, reducing the risk. The Earthquake-induced Landscape Dynamics research programme has developed tools, guidance and case studies that can be utilised from Response through to Reduction, to increase resilience to such events. These are summarised and available from this Framework diagram. Click the links to explore the resources

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