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Landslide Early Warning Systems

Harrison SE, Potter SH, Glassey PJ, Massey C. 2023.  Considerations for the development of Landslide Early Warning Systems in Aotearoa New Zealand. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 71p. (GNS Science report; 2023/29).

This guidance document outlines key considerations in the design and development of a Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is intended for the emergency management sector, local government, critical infrastructure agencies, interested communities, consultancies, science agencies and land stewards.

An early warning systems has four operational components; Knowledge, Detection, Communication, Preparedness & Response, and seven main activities, as shown below.

Developing an integrated LEWS requires coordination and collaboration across all agencies, governance levels, and communities that have relevant information about the hazards and impacts that threaten people and assets. Such collaborative approaches allow for communication networks to be established and for the development of effective decision-making processes. The LEWS also needs to be integrated within a multi-hazard EWS to ensure consistency.

The LEWS report can be downloaded using this link

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