About Our Research
1. Landslide severity
2. Landslide reactivation
3. Landslide dams
4. Landslide run-out
5. Sediment cascades
6. Performance of earthworks
7. Managing hazard and risk
The EILD team
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Papers & Publications
Post Graduate Studies
Post Graduate Studies
Mechanisms of rock slope failures triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and implications for landslide susceptibility
Corinne Singeisen, Chris Massey, Andrea Wolter, Richard Kellett, Colin Bloom, Tim Stahl, Caleb Gasston, Katie Jones, 2022. Mechanisms of rock slope failures triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and implications for landslide susceptibility. Geomorphology, Volume 415, 2022, 108386,ISSN 0169-555X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108386 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X22002793) Landslide failure mechanisms are influenced by topography, lithology, structure and rock mass […]
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The influence of off-fault deformation zones on the near-fault distribution of coseismic landslides
Colin K. Bloom, Andrew Howell, Timothy Stahl, Chris Massey, Corinne Singeisen; The influence of off-fault deformation zones on the near-fault distribution of coseismic landslides. Geology 2021; doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G49429.1
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Sediment Transport Modelling - Hapuku Catchment
This animation shows a model of how the first gravel of a uniform size (16 mm) moves through the Hapuku Catchment. There is still significant amounts of gravel yet to be released and travel through the newtork.
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Landslide field mapping and geophysical surveys
By: Corinne Singeisen, PhD Student, Theme 1 - Landslide severity In November 2020 and January 2021 a team from GNS Science, University of Canterbury, and University of Auckland spent several weeks in the field collecting data from landslides triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake. Our goal was to get a better understanding of […]
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Landslide Field Mapping
By Katie Jones, PhD Student in Theme 5: Post-earthquake sediment cascades Together with Chris Massey and Regine Morgenstern, along with fellow PhD students Caleb Gasston and Colin Bloom, we spent 2 weeks in the field during October 2019 and January 2020 visiting a selection of large landslides triggered by the Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake. Unsurprisingly […]
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Post Graduate Students
Colin Bloom
RA1 Landslide severity
PhD Student, Univeristy of Canterbury
Colin's PhD research uses differential remote sensing imagery and field observations following the Kaikōura earthquake to investigate the relationship between fault rupture and co-seismic mass wasting. Landslides and rockfall were heavily concentrated around surface fault ruptures during the Kaikoura earthquake and Colin's interest lies in assessing the role that fault displacement, damage zones and high frequency shaking proximal to the ruptures played in the distribution of these failures.
Dina Fieman
RA5 Post-earthquake sediment cascade
PhD Student, Victoria University
After completing her Masters of Science at the University of Edinburgh, Dina is currently doing her PhD at Victoria University. The aim of Dina's PhD is to research the post-seismic sediment cascade from the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Through the use of field observations, topographic analysis, and hydrodynamic modelling, she is investigating the controls of coseismic sediment evacuation as well as the impact of landslide sediment on channel evolution and river morphology. Dina is particularly interested in the millennial-scale erosional processes and how it is preserved in the cosmogenic nuclide concentration.
Caleb Gasston
RA1 Landslide severity
PhD Student, Univeristy of Auckland
Caleb’s PhD project utilises a range of methods, including remote sensing, geophsyics ground investigation and numerical modelling to determine the mechanisms of failure of large volume (>1 Mm3) landslides triggered by the Kaikōura Earthquake. This research seeks to quantify the role of surface fault rupture, ground-shaking, and site geology and morphology in the generation of large landslides during powerful earthquakes. Outputs from this project will feed into future work modelling landslides at a landscape scale and producing regional hazard models.
Katie Jones
RA5 Post-earthquake sediment cascade
PhD Student, Victoria University
Katie is currently a PhD student at Victoria University researching sediment remobilisation from co-seismic landslides following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Regional landslide generating events offer natural experiments with which to observe and measure the rate of erosion and sediment transfer in the first few years following the triggering event. Utilising pre- and post-earthquake remote sensing data collection to quantify the post-seismic mass wasting, the output of this PhD is to develop a regional-scale time series analysis of the hillslope-channel sediment cascade at a high spatial resolution.
Corinne Singeisen
RA1 Landslide severity
PhD Student, Univeristy of Canterbury
This PhD project aims to improve the understanding of coseismic landslide initiation along faults. Based on the dataset of the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, the interaction between surface fault rupture, earthquake-induced ground shaking and slope failure will be investigated using geomorphological and structural analysis techniques, laboratory testing as well as physics-based local-scale numerical modelling. The output of the project will be used to further develop the national New Zealand landslide forecast tool.
Niraj Bal Tamang
RA5 Post-earthquake sediment cascade
PhD Student, University of Auckland
I completed my Masters degree in Geology from the Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2016. I am doing my PhD in modelling river response to landslide sedimentation in braided and steepland rivers from the University of Auckland. I am working on modelling the sediment response for sediment transport, studying morphologic change in the downstream section due to time varying landslide delivery of sediments, estimating the threshold sediment amount for sediment management and creating different scenarios of sediment delivery and comparing the results.
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