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Three advisory groups were charged with providing governance over the programme, representing regional stakeholders, national stakeholders, and global researchers. These advisory groups were regularly informed of the progress of the research and outputs and had input into designing the research and tool development via programmed regular meetings, workshops and survey.

Regional Advisory Group (RAG)

Using outcomes for resilient reconstruction

To ensure the research outcomes are relevant and useable for end-users, particularly in the north Canterbury and Marlborough areas affected by the 2016 Earthquake, a number of entities were identified as regional stakeholders, including regional and district councils, entities responsible for infrastructure and networks in the area affected and emergency managers. These stakeholders are dealing with reconstruction and other on-going effects of the earthquake and are having to prepare development plans, strategies and warning systems to take these ongoing effects into account.

The level of commitment comprises:
Attend up to two meetings annually, in person, in Kaikoura or Christchurch.
Depending on availability, and on an ad-hoc basis; contribute at other times and be available for researchers to consult with.
Promote the uptake of the research amongst peers.

The Regional Advisory Group (RAG) was originally established to represent these regional stakeholders and the relationships developed during the earthquake response. Representation on the advisory group has varied over the duration of the programme, but members included those listed below.

Regional advisory group

Helen Jack
Environment Canterbury
Scientist & science Communicator
Julie Howden
Kaikōura District Council
Deputy Mayor
Kevin Heays
Environment Canterbury
Environment Canterbury (Kaikōura) Lead
Matt Hoggard
Kaikōura District Council
Strategy, Policy & District Plan Manager
Michael Bennett**
Beef & Lamb NZ
Project Manager, Post-earthquake Farming
Michelle Wild
Environment Canterbury
Senior Scientist (Water Resources)
Monique Eade
Hurunui District Council
Policy Planner
Murray Griffin
Environment Canterbury
Facilitator, Kaikōura Zone Water Management Committee
Nick Griffiths
Environment Canterbury
Science Team Leader - Natural Hazards
Nic John
Department of Conservation (DoC)
Group Manager
Peter Bradshaw
Environment Canterbury
Kaikōura Land Management Advisor
Shaun McCraken
Environment Canterbury
Regional Lead, River Engineering
Kim Wright
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)
Senior Advisor, Hazard Risk Management
Ted Howard

Chair, Kaikōura Zone Water Management Committee

Landslides National Advisory Group (LNAG)

Implementing outcomes for NZ

A Landslides National Advisory Group (LNAG), representing agencies responsible for maintaining national network and infrastructure, emergency management, public land management, land productivity, the insurance industry and the geotechnical industry was established to
Guide the research to help it deliver solutions to national-level issues their organisations are facing.
Encourage inter-agency data sharing at the national level.
To ensure the benefits of the research programme are fully realised and efficiently delivered.
To help the research programme target and reach the right national-level end users.
To support and promote the value of the research and facilitate the delivery of results to end users.
To provide government and national stakeholder-level advice on how this research programme and its outputs can be upscaled from our Kaikōura research and experience to being used for the benefit of all New Zealanders.
To provide direction and advice on what national-scale research outcomes are needed in the landslide hazard and risk space.
To assist in identifying opportunities to promote take-up and implementation of research outputs to gain greater value, efficiency and effectiveness of the research investment.
The level of commitment comprises:
Attend up to two meetings annually, in person, in Wellington.
Depending on availability, and on an ad-hoc basis; contribute at other times and be available for researchers to consult with.
Promote the uptake of the research amongst peers.
The GNS Science team provided secretariat support. Representation from these stakeholders varied over the duration of the programme, but included those listed below.

Landslides national advisory group

Roger Fairclough
Neoleaf Global
Don Bogie
Regional Planning Manager
Belinda McFadgen
Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Senior Analyst
Graeme Blick
Chief Geodesist & Manager National Topographic Office
Jo Horrocks
Earthquake Commission (EQC)
Head of Resilience Strategy & Research
Kiran Saligame
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Paul Barker
Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
Partnership Director, Central Local Govt Partnerships Group
John Stewart
Local Government NZ (LGNZ)
Principal Policy Advisor
Rebecca Beals

Richard Smith
GNS Science
Director, Resilience to Nature's Challenges
Ross Roberts
Auckland Council
NZ Geotechnical Society
Geotechnical & Geological Practice Lead
Kevin Fenaughty
Team Leader, Hazard Risk Management
Stuart Finlan
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)
Lead Advisor, Geotechnical
Stuart Woods
Lead Advisor, Resilience
Sarah Knox
Insurance Council of NZ
Consumer Affairs Manager
Susan Keenan
Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
Principal Advisor

Science Advisory Group (SAG)

International best practice

A Science Advisory Group was established that met annually with the programme and provided science feedback and advice, and liaison with international researchers.

The scope of the group was:
To provide the research team with expert technical advice and guidance to ensure the Programme objectives are met, including science excellence.
To provide peer review of science methodologies and outputs.
To encourage international linkages and dissemination of research findings.
The level of commitment comprises:
Attend one meeting annually, in person, in New Zealand. Travel costs and disbursements are covered by the Programme.
Attend up to two additional meetings annually, via videoconference arranged by GNS Science.
Depending on availability, and on an ad-hoc basis: contribute at other times and be available for researchers to consult with.
The GNS Science team provided secretariat support. Representation from these stakeholders varied over the duration of the programme, but included those listed below.

Science advisory group

Joe Wartman
University of Washington
HR Berg Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Josh Roering
Oregon University
Department Head, Earth Sciences (Geomorphologist)
Pam Johnston
Principal Advisor, Community Resilience
Peter Ashmore
University of Western Ontario
Fluvial Geomorphologist
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