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Theme 1: Landslide severity

Forecasting landslide severity at different magnitudes of ground shaking and rain.


Parametrise relationships between landslide susceptibility and forcing factors/variables (using Kaikōura data) at site-specific and regional scales
Test relationships (from 1.) against other NZ landslide datasets, and generate probabilistic- and physics-based landslide forecast models for NZ at varying scales
Incorporate runout models into susceptibility forecasts to generate true hazard forecasts

Apply results to current infrastructure project(s) as best practice case study recommendations

Theme leader:
Chris Massey, GNS Science

Severe landsliding on the coast at Ohau Point. These steep coastal slopes were particularly badly affected by landsliding compared with slopes of similar scale and in similar materials inland. 

Photo: Dougal Townsend.

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