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The EILD research programme consists of seven themes:

Theme 1: Landslide severity

Forecasting landslide severity at different magnitudes of ground shaking and rain.
Theme 1

Theme 2: Landslide reactivation

Quantifying post-earthquake landslide triggering and reactivation thresholds from ground shaking, rain and time.
Theme 2

Theme 4: Landslide runout

Determining how far landslide debris may travel downslope, once triggered
Theme 4

Theme 5: Post-earthquake sediment cascades

Modelling how sediment cascades from hillslope to sea.
Theme 5

Theme 6: Performance of earthworks

Assessing the performance of earthworks infrastructure subject to landsliding.
Theme 6

Theme 7: Tools for managing landslide hazard and risk

An integrated set of predictive tools within a decision making framework.
Theme 7
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+64 3 479 9684

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1 Fairway Drive,
Avalon 5010
PO Box 30-368,
Lower Hutt 5040
New Zealand

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