NGMC EIL Advisory
National Geohazards Monitoring Centre (NGMC) GeoNet
Shaking exceeds threshold -
EIL Forecast tool and Advisory
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Earthquake-Induced Landslide (EIL) Forecast Tool
Subscribers such as NEMA, CDEM, Infrastructure managers
Infrastructure managers, Geotechnical engineers, Researchers, Constructors, Emergency managers, GeoNet
Rockfall Activity Rate System (RoARS) tool
Aerial reconnaissance
Undertake initial reconnaissance and damage assessment
Existing landslide database structure
Existing landslide dam database structure
Reconnaissance mapping
Fahrbörschung (F) Angle tool
Field mapping
Dimensionless Blockage Index (DBI) tool
Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWS)
Satellite and aerial imagery
Landslide Planning Guidance
Engineered slope design failure case studies
Runout models (RAMMS)
EROS & Delph fluvial models (avulsion and aggradation)
Reconstruct / Remediate / Mitigate damage
Slope design recommendations
Infrastructure managers, Geotechnical and Civil engineers, Researchers, Constructors, Emergency managers
Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWS)
Runout relationships
Seismic Slope design practice notes
Rainfall-induced landslide (RIL) forecast
Existing landslide dam database structure
Infrastructure managers, Geotechnical engineers, Researchers
LiDAR change detection
INSAR change detection
Landslide Investigation case studies
Landslide mechanisms
UAV surveys
Detailed investigations and analyses
Existing landslide database structure
Field Mapping & Geophysics
Revise and update policy / design / tools
Detailed investigations and analyses
Undertake initial reconnaissance and damage assessment
Society benefits from Improved resilience - risk reduction
Reconstruct / Remediate / mitigate damage
Shaking exceeds threshold -
EIL Forecast tool and Advisory
NGMC EIL Advisory
Planners, Geotechnical engineers, Researchers, Infrastructure managers
Earthquake-induced Landslide (EIL) Forecast Tool
Fahrböschung (F-) Angle tool
Land use (Landslide Planning Guidance)
Seismic Slope design practice notes
Landslide runout relationships